Love my enemy? What does that actually mean?
Love my enemy? That sounds like a stupid idea, he’s a fucking jerk! He’s mean to me! He calls me names, put’s me down. My enemy terrorizes me, hates me, abuses me. My enemy hates who I am and what I believe. My enemy hates me for the person I am. Love him? He hates me.
And because of this- is why he needs love the most.
Happy people do not cause other people intentional unhappiness. If you are a happy person, you would NEVER hurt someone else.
When someone attacks you for whatever reason, you are hurt. You immediate response is to attack back and make that person hurt as much as they have hurt you. This happens most in intimate relationships. You hate your partner at times because you have opened yourself up so wide that any hurt, is a deep hurt.
When we respond in retaliation to our attacker, it only ends in war. Hurt responding with hurt, it’s just who can hurt more. No one wins, both sides are lost and wounded. War is only who can hurt the most. That is never peace.
So who would an appropriate enemy be to love? How can you get started? I would like to nominate
Bernard Gaynor!!!! Take a moment and read his headlines. I personally for obvious reasons read these comments and bigoted hatred, and my entire body wants to attack him. He hurts me. He hurts my family, and my friends. If you are friends of mine, I am sure he hurts you too.
If I take a step back, wipe away his face, and read the words of a terribly hurt and broken man. He has obviously been so hurt and tormented (possibly be being gay himself. No joke intended) that he has to attack other people and pretend it’s God. Right. That’s what the bible says! A sane, healthy, happy man could NEVER say these words. Only a man living in some serious fear could possibly judge people so ignorantly and with such hate. It’s like hitting a child. It’s like if a little kid, or abusing a sick person! To hate is to be sick. To judge is to be sickest.
So if I fallowed instinct, I would attack. I would hurt him with words as he has hurt me. What would the outcome be? 2 more broken people. So I will make the choice to love. I will love my enemy. Because he can’t hate what never hurts him.
I be-friend him on Facebook. I write him a letter. Please read, and feel free to copy and send to your enemies as well. Hell, send it to Bernard Gaynor!
Dear ___Bernard Gaynor______________,
I am so sorry for whomever has hurt you so badly, you feel you need to spread hatred. I am
Because people are only bigots out of fear and ignorance. I am a Christian saved by grace and would love to befriend you! I’m sorry you are hurt so badly you feel you need to harm others. I hope I can show you some love instead of your hate.
I would love to hear what has happened to fuel your hate, and get to know you on a deeper level. I would love to help relieve your burden of hurting people, because it only eats at you. A kind Bernard Gaynor who spreads love, would do so much more good for the planet that spreads hate. Let’s do that together brother!
Love always,
The most important time to love your enemy? Is when that hateful person is you. When you are unkind, and mean, and nasty. When you find yourself gocking at someones terrible outfit, or judging the fat lady with her cheeseburger. When you spread hate, you are only hurting yourself. No Laura, she’s not stupid, she just hurt your feelings. You are hurt.
Bo- you don’t. It’s a take one for the team kinda thing; but honey only the champions of the earth have taken one for you. Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Matthew Shepherd, JESUS? Who hasn’t taken one for you? So no, right this moment you don’t get the gratification of telling them their wife is ugly, or hurting them momentarily. But the next time, some asshole wants to call someone a “faggot” and you had apologized for them being so hurt and asked them to go get a cup of coffee so you can get to know each other better. Maybe he won’t! The next time a woman looks at you with disgust because you have tattoos, and scoffs in line, if you make sure to smile warmly and pay her parking on the way out of the lot, maybe next time she wants to be nasty she won’t.
Is this a stupid idea? Yea, probably. But it would literally change the world..
I love you friends! And enemies J