A belief in God is irrational? Like hell it is!
It's like the buzz word among atheists. To believe in anything greater than yourself is "Irrational." I'm sorry what now? I don't understand the debate over God much in the first place. I can't give you a photo of him, and you can't prove me wrong. So, where is the discussion really? The reality of a belief in God, or relationship with God, is that either you have it or you don't. "Being Saved." Is an actual thing that happens. I'm not sure why it doesn't happen to everyone, but when a man of God is trying to tell you about a saviour, it's a gift of love. It can very easily be a gift you don't want, or don't know you want, like a foot spa. Thanks, but no thanks right? A debating atheist is not giving you ANYTHING, they are trying, and I underline trying to TAKE something from someone else. That right there should tell you something. This is a debating atheist, not just Alan on the street who thinks my tattoos are stupid and God isn't real and he is convinced of that.
So the discussion to day is this word IRRATIONAL>
I am going to number this, so if anyone decides this isn't fact, or valid, please use the number chart to save time.
1. Being an empiricist. I fully believe that you only truly understand the things in life you experience yourself. You can read about bungee jumping, and if the experience is written well, you can almost see yourself and feel yourself do the jump. Your heart can race, you can almost get the gush of air and fear of the ledge. Read about the experience, then do it and I promise a fully insane new understanding of what you thought you knew. It happens mostly with our core belief system. My hatred of smoking growing up, and the weakness I thought addiction brought. Only to become an addicted smoker. Or thinking women as housewives were the weakest members of female society, only to become one and realise they are the backbone of families and utterly humanity as we know it! How about your parenting and things you swore you would NEVER do. Or how you thought autism would be, only to have an autistic family member. Your preception drastically changes when things actually HAPPEN to you. That is God. God is an experience. I was raised by an atheist, and had non belief in God whatsoever. I had an undeniable EXPERIENCE of God. See, this doesn't make me irrational. Not believing the experiences that directly happen to me would make me in denial, or abnegation . It would be irrational to not believe that a bird just hit me in the head walking home, and pretending it didn't happen, because no one else on the walk home saw the bird. And since the experience of God is positive, and happy, and shared by MILLIONS of people, having a common faith seems pretty amazingly rational to me.
2. Law of causality. NOTHING COMES FROM NOTHING. Atheistic evolution; Everything came from nothing. Let's be blunt. THAT IS FUCKING IRRATIONAL AND STUPID> Not saying it didn't, (because no one has proved that) but it is the exact same bit of irrationality as saying everything came from something.... wait....that makes sense! So the basic fact of an atheist believing we all came from nothing, is irrational. Theist evolution; we all came from something, then evolved a bit. (This is more where I am standing at the moment. However, the patterns and similarities of animals over time really looks more like the design of a creator instead of the design of chaos and evolutionary change.) There are so many evolutionary theories that keep getting disproven i.e, all those Galapagos island reptiles really didn't evolve, they were very different species. Also, if humans were still evolving, we should have had pretty drastic evolutionary changes by now, such as darker skin, and I'm not sure why we would be so evolved and be the only species on earth that destroys our own habitat and environment. That's stupid. So the belief in God from the pure fact NOTHING has EVER come from nothing, and a creator is behind existence is fully beautifully rational.
3. NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES- I came up with this thought about proof of an afterlife a few months ago and threw it out on Face book, not knowing much about it. I got about 60 responses, and not knowing any better just thought them fact. Things like "They were dreaming." And "Science can disprove it." So it peaked my interest, and became my study of hobby. YOU ARE ALL FREAKING WRONG P.S! Near death experience is not only nero scientist studied, scientifically journaled, proven phenomenon, it is a repeatable process. It is now a testable theory, as hospitals studying the phenomenon, are randomly placing pictures on the top shelves of ER rooms and OR rooms. This way, if a human physically left their body, are on the ceiling as thousands upon thousands of cases report, it becomes more than theory, it becomes fact. This phenomenon alone, is the smoking gun of my theories, and now a root point of my beliefs. These people all say the SAME THING! It will PROVE an existence of an afterlife, proving the existence of a soul, therefore PROVING THE EXISTENCE OF A CREATOR OF SAID SOUL!!!!!!! That's AWESOME!!!!! Now, the countless atheists I have shut down, after learning all knowledge I can of this subject, like a fat kid eating cake, is great, one point God, but so many people still reject it. It's like, you are asking for proof, I am giving you amazing beautiful proof, and you still reject it. The issue then becomes yours. The answer is right there. It is fear, denial, the reality being uncomfortable, especially when you spend your whole life fighting against something? What's the word for that? When people will fully deny something because it makes them uncomfortable? That's what NDE is. Look into it fully! "Do you believe in NDE?" That's the weirdest thing to ask! If you learn about it, you know it's true, so you have no choice! Man lying dead of a heart attack on his floor leaves his house to see his cousin outside the house vomiting. Like he made that up? So to believe in a creator/God, with the facts of NDE as a backbone, is more than rational. It's freaking bad ass and awesome! Once again, it's hope, love, giving a gift. Not taking one.
4. THE METAPHYSICAL- To believe that only Existence Exists which is another atheist buzz word, is so insanely irrational to me, I get gaggy. In the Congo, we just discovered a monkey. A big ass monkey! The one with the silly face? Remember? Did he just not exist last month?! No, he was always there dude! WE as humans just didn't see him! You couldn't prove there was a non-existent monkey. The rational thought about finding a big ass new monkey species would be, that because humans inhabit so much of the earth, the likely hood of finding a new monkey would be slim to nil! But poof, there is a monkey. To have pure and utter faith that there is no God, is as irrational as you can get. Just because you, Jill, or Adam, don't see him, doesn't mean he isn't there. YOU just haven't found him yet. Christopher Dawkins argument is that the universe is so vast it would be "petty" for a creator to care about us. Huh, I am worth the trouble! If God is love, then yes, it's not petty. Many bible verses back this up as well (but don't get me in on the bible as it isn't fully relevant to me, or to the existence of a creator.) Stephen Hawking says "If laws of nature are fixed, what is the need for God?" Personal relationships mate! I can answer that Steve! He asks lot's of questions of God, not disproves him. To only believe the things you can see, to me is irrational.
5. THE RATIONAL BELIEF IN JESUS CHRIST- I will end on this. There is more, but if these 5 reasons are not "Rational Reasons to Believe in God." Than refer to number 3. It's just facts not accepted on a personal level, because it makes you uncomfortable, not because they aren't rational.
The messages of Jesus Christ, (not the entire bible) a documented first ever biography of another person. This message was so important it was written by many many people at different times. The bible can be very misinterpreted, and I will not deny I'm sure it has been edited, and edited, and translated, and interpreted many a times! The messages of Jesus Christ, can ONLY LEAD TO WORLD PEACE. How many times can I write that? The messages of Jesus Christ, LEAD TO WORLD PEACE. So say it was a fake message, a "Fairy Tale." (Atheist buzz word) It is a fairy tale designed for world peace. How is it irrational to fallow that message??? If you were condemning no one, who would you be killing? If you were judging no one, who would you hate? If you loved your neighbour, who would you hate? So if anyone would like to tell me, how fallowing a recipe for world peace is irrational, I will happily sit and read it. Then laugh at you. Just kidding. If a person says that Jesus Christ is a fairy tale, yet would fix all of humanities issues, why not push for it anyways???!?!?!
Religion does not take from another person, it gives to them. Atheism when attacking a man of God, attempts to take from that person. That is irrational to me. God is not bound to your intellectual limitations, and God doesn't need to be boxed up. Where did God come from? "The big bang!" We can go around in circles, but if your faith (non belief in God, which IS A FAITH) needs to be validated by taking from another person, I would question that.
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