Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Just humour me

Just humour yourself.  Open your mind and think about it for a second.  What if......
What if we come to earth only to learn lessons. Before, we come we sit and make a blueprint if you will for the events and things that will happen to us in life. The choices we make, prayers we pray, and fate all play into this life, and that is why we have free will and free choice.
Yes, your life is mapped out, but it's our decisions that are why we learn.
Why would you come?  Heaven is perfect. There is NO pain, so suffering, so death. Eternity in heaven is amazing, but what do you learn from the good bits? What do you learn when it's easy? Not as much as you learn from the hard bits.  The pain, the loss.  You learn from the challenges, and the defeats.  That's why we come.  We come here to learn. That's all.
So what do you chose? You chose your family. All the big things.  All those huge moments that stick out in your memory. The childhood illness, the loss of a best friend. The first kiss. You chose your partner, where you live, and the job.  You chose the drug addiction, the alcoholic mother, the tragedy.  Your confrontations that make you thrive and grow.
The reason it makes sense for everyone in every situation, is look at any celebrity.  The only people you "know" that have had their lives publicly displayed for you. Let's chose Britney Spears. She sat down with her blueprint of life. WHAT AN AWESOME BLUEPRINT! She becomes a child star, then her rise to fame, then drug addiction and loss, then the love, and the kids, and the losses.  What an awesome blueprint! What a story to tell.
What does your blueprint look like? What bullet points did you create? My own life, is so filthy amazing it makes me giddy.  That what I have learned in the past 31 years, and the ups and downs. The drama and joy, the love and loss. That extreme pain that I can carry, deal with, forgive, master, and create is a gift.  If only I had the memory to write it all out! Those hard bits were the learning, the love was the reward and reason to keep going through it all.
*Married parents and 2 brothers
*Parents divorce at 5
*Spend life vying for fathers attention
*Moving schools 11 times in 12 years
*Drug addiction
*High school love
*Mother dies
*Becoming single mother
*Quincy Hoss
*Losing best friend
*Finding God
*Finding my husband
*Father died
*Failed adoptions
Like, this life is so freaking awesome!!  Most of those bullet points were the hard things.  And I can tell you the lessons learnt from every single one.  It was the hard that got me to the good, and I am assuming it is the same for you.
It works, look at your life? I would love to hear your bullet points!  I would love to hear the hard that you went through and how you either conquered it or are yet to overcome it? If it made you stronger, or killed you? 
It's your beautiful soul here to learn. What lessons will you take with you when you die?
This even works for the souls with the most suffering.  What about a child born with downs syndrom.  Why would someone chose that? Because those are the bravest souls.  They are learning so much through the hard, and the pain.  You don't know.  The starving kids in Africa, those are the brave souls.  Those are the ones we should be helping, as they are the ones who took on the hardest lives. They are the ones to admire, as they are the ones learning the most.  All temporary, all until we leave the earth.
Love life! It was your choice in the first place ;)


  1. Intresting prespective Laura!! I do appreciate your zest for life!!! Just remember that life will continue to kick you in the ass, (so to speak)!! You've come along way! Be super proud of that! Those certain bullet points are what will make you a stronger and better person; i.e., Mother, friend, lover, wife, etc!
    I'm not sure I believe in a predestined life, where you choose your path, thus describing free will... However, that will be an debate until the end of times... Of course this is just my humble opinion!
    I'm struggling every day to understand the why's of my situtation and when I'll FINALLY see the light at the end of the tunnel in all it's glory! Right now, it's just a flicker that I keep running after! Hopefully soon one day, I'll be happy and with my family!!!
    You see that's my fight right now!!
    I'll explain more in a less public forum.... Anyway, I just wanted to comment on your blog... You do have the gift of becomig a great writer!
    Thanks for reading my comments and humble opinion hun! God Bless You and Yours Always!!!! :)

  2. I like reading your blog Laura.
    I keep thinking about writing something more meaningful about me.... not sure where to start.. :)
