Thursday, 13 March 2014

No longer possible

No Longer Possible-
It is no longer possible for me to write a post, highlighting my issues with childhood obesity and have a friend single themselves out and say "That bitch is talking about me." I can no longer single one friend out, because YOU, are so so many.
I have an ISSUE with childhood obesity.
It started when I moved to Australia, and the ultimately thin healthy lifestyle threw me into a tail spin.  being obese was unusual, and growing older watching America friend balloon up, was an interesting experience.  I myself had a huge issue with weight in America, and through experience only, am I now considering myself incredibly well know ledged in all things "health".
YOU have an issue with food, not your kids.
I was at dinner tonight and looked to my left.  A heavily obese women with three kids.  her 8 year old son, already obese, 6 year old son stick thin, and baby in a highchair normal weight.  The baby, had juice in her bottle.
Let's just stick with reality here.
This mother, loves her baby so much, that she only wants her to drink what tastes good.... to her.....
Babies, wether you think so or not, LOVE the taste and thirst quenching refreshment of water.  They don't NEED nor crave sweet drinks.  I promise you that mother loves her kids to death, but she is contributing to their premature death in this exact way.
To my right was a 10 year old, obese kid with a man sized meal and a Fanta soda.  Again, yes it tastes good, but for fuck sake is his 3 minutes of drink enjoyment worth his daily struggle with obesity?
Family ones' oldest was outside trying to play and run around.  Just like all the other kids, but was completely out of breath.  His extra weight from his "mothers love" was dragging him down physically in front of everyone.  Does your child want fried chicken strips and coke?  Or to play with his friends?
Family 2, after his feast and Fanta went to play on his tablet in the corner for the rest of the night.
I know, I know, fuck you Laura, what a bitch.
But the gentle kind hands of "please make better choices" isn't working!
Your babies don't fill their own bottles, and until they are cooking their own meals it's up to us.
But that doesn't mean you put your kids on a diet.  Exactly the opposite!  Again, YOU have an issue with food not them.  There is no good or bad food.  There is just food, and nutrition as our body needs and desires.
YOU get depressed and eat.  So when your 4 year old skins their knee, you may give him a chocolate.  Nope, fucking them up.  Food is not a n anti depressant or a way to make pain go away.
YOU eat when you are happy.  So when your child does something great, you bring them to Mc Donalds. No, that is fucking them up.  Mc Donalds is a sometimes, running too many errands in a day, gotta feed them something food.
YOU have an issue with sweets, so giving them artificial sweeteners instead to make yourself feel better is fucking them up.  Your kids when given sweets in moderation and with the ability to stop eating when ready, do not see sweet food as anything more than sweet food. 
YOU love fried, cure, buttered, cheesed, processed food.  Your children are born loving fresh, pure, natural tastes.  You are fucking them up.  Stop it.  They love an apple.  Just give them a fucking apple.
COOK YOUR MEALS! I understand it is now cheaper to get Mc Donalds than it is to feed a family of 4 at home.  But cheaper now?  Or in 10 years when your kids need a motorized scooter, custom clothes and a fucking sleep apnoea machine?
So I'm sorry.  I'm sorry, that you are feeling like I am singling YOU out, but YOU are too many to single out.  All YOU can do is stop killing your kid with your issues.  If you are obese your child has an 80% chance of being obese.  You want this for them?  Oh hell to the no you don't.
Wanna fix it?  Be KIND to yourself.  Separate your needs from theirs.  Love them with time not food.  Love them with nutrition for their minds and bodies.  Love them from the inside, and take care of yourself.  Take time for yourself.  Get a sitter and spend some time loving you again. 
I don't want to do it anymore.  Keep your issues YOUR issues and leave your precious, beautiful LOVED babies out of it.  You are killing them.


  1. You're right Laura.
    A bit of a wake up call for me and my family.

  2. Um Harry? That's AWESOME! Giving you a huge high-5!
